


Fall 2021 Update & Courses

Dear Students: Subject to guidance provided by BC’s health authorities and Public Health Officer, Vancouver Premier College (VPC) is pleased to announce that its Richmond campus location will be open for this September 2021. While plans are currently being made to ensure that on-campus learning will be made available for students in all VPC programs,...

Scholarship Presentation

The VPC Scholarship Committee is pleased to announce that we awarded 8 scholarships to our students who have achieved academic success in the previous Fall 2020 semester. Congratulations to Sissi (5-star), Stephanie (4-star), Hector (3-star), Steven (3-star), Sen (3-star), Sophia (3-star), Kevin (3-star), and Kazuhiro (3-star). Congratulations to  everyone who qualified and to those who...

2021 VPC Student Committee

In this video we introduce you to our VPC Student Committee members: Elvan, Kevin, Maria. They are here to help organize activities and events for all students. Come join them and gain some amazing experience by meeting new friends and doing new things. ———————————————————– What is the VPC Student Committee? The VPC Student Committee provides...

Christmas Greetings

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We hope you’ll get lots of rest and joy over the holidays. We will resume our virtual operations on Dec 30 to prepare for the new year and new semester on Monday, January 4,...

48H Agent prize draw

Here is the winner of the grand prize awarded to one of our top agents for attending the 48H virtual on-site admissions event. The prize was drawn in front of our staff at our Virtual Christmas Party. Congratulations to the agency winning the iPad Air. Well done!

Spring 2020 Scholarship winners

Congratulations to the winners of the VPC academic scholarships. Everyone worked very hard throughout the summer semester. With so many qualified candidates, it was a difficult task to select a few winners. The 5-star scholarship was awarded to Sissi L. – congratulations! The 4-star scholarships were awarded to Stephanie S. and Jenny Z. And the...

Winter 2021 Update

As a means of mitigating risks associated with the recent increase in COVID-19 cases in the Metro Vancouver area and given the absence of an effective vaccine,  VPC will continue to offer its courses exclusively online throughout the Winter 2021 semester.  In order to facilitate VPC’s continuation of its online programming, the Ministry of Advanced Education,...

COVID-19 Statement & Announcement

COVID-19 Statement & Announcement In response to the COVID-19 (C-19) pandemic, Vancouver Premier College (VPC) has closed its Metro Vancouver campuses in both Vancouver and Richmond until further notice. In the meantime, the College is continuing to add new student-interest and career-focused programming in its continued effort to recruit and effectively prepare students for their...

Scholarship Presentation

A record number of VPC students qualified for scholarships from last semester’s results. Congratulations to all who achieved academic success! And congratulations to our scholarship winner Albert Kang for winning the VPC 5-star Scholarship. And to Rupinder and Summer for winning the 4-star Scholarship.

Meet Cesar Ritz

VPC instructor Teg and Aline Rouiller of the Swiss Education Group gave a very informative presentation about studying at Cesar Ritz Colleges in Switzerland. They talked about the university transfer option to VPC students upon completing their diploma; about life in Switzerland; and about the opportunities upon completion of the degree. For more information on...
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