Financial Awards and Scholarships

Vancouver Premier College > Financial Awards and Scholarships

Scholarships and awards may be presented to students for a range of achievements including but not limited to: academic performance (GPA); volunteerism; student leadership; entrepreneurship; most improved GPA; community engagement; participation in VPC events; social and cultural student-oriented initiatives; and, creative academic or artistic works. Some of the financial awards and scholarships currently available at VPC are listed below.


 Academic Awards* New Student Scholarships Current Student Scholarships
Five Star Award  Ambassador Award Scholarship Student Leadership Scholarship
Four Star Award  Achievement Scholarship Most Improved Scholarship
Three Star Award VPC Premier Scholarship Entrepreneurship Scholarship
  Entrance Promotion Scholarship Most Engaged Scholarship

*Minimum requirements – must be enrolled as a full-time student with minimum of 80% or not less than 4 classes per semester; demonstrate evidence of high academic achievement (min 3.5 GPA); students must submit a video outlining his/her qualifications for the scholarship.

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