Career Advising and Counselling Services
Student Services Team provides students with direction, support and advice to assist students achieve their academic goals. Academic Planning and Consultation is available by appointment or drop-in basis:
To contact one of our Student Service Officers:
Michael Wang
Student Services
Email: michaelw@vpcollege.com
Brent Zheng
Student Services
Email: brentz@vpcollege.com
Rainy Shan
Student Services
Email: rainys@vpcollege.com
We offer appointments and drop-ins for students wishing to meet one-on-one with a Student Services Office for acadmic planning and support.
Student Services Team assists students with student life initiatives to ensure a positive student learning and VPC experience through different student activities, we provide opportunities for students to socialize with their peers, develop leadership skills and life skills. VPC organizes year-round activities for our students. These may include social events, outings, “Top Chef” cooking demonstrations, Online karaoke contests, photography contests, practice workshops, seasonal festivities and much more.
For more information, please visit Student Activities.
Any student who wishes to take leave is required to submit an Application for Leave. This form must be submitted a minimum of two weeks in advance of the cycle start date. Please note that the maximum amount of time off is one cycle per year.
To contact one of our Student Service Officers:
Michael Wang
Student Services
Email: michaelw@vpcollege.com
Rainy Shan
Student Services
Email: rainys@vpcollege.com
VPC welcomes feedback from our current students. If you have any issues, concerns, complaints, suggestions or anything you would like to share in confidence, then please send an email to feedback@vpcollege.com
Individual counselling service is provided to students to enhance their personal development and capabilities in handling their personal issues in social, psychological, financial and other aspects. All information shared with Student Services will be kept in strict confidence. Students in need are encouraged to approach Student Services for help.
Clyde Robertson
Email: clyder@vpcollege.com
Michael Wang
Email: michaelw@vpcollege.com
Brent Zheng
Email: brentz@vpcollege.com
Rainy Shan
Email: rainys@vpcollege.com
Registration is the process of formally assigning and recording the enrolment of a student usually in a course(s), or in a program(s). Registration is available only to those students who have been accepted by the College for admission, for re-admission or for continuing from one semester to the next, and whose statement of grades indicates eligibility to continue.
Students who have attended a post-secondary institute other than our Colleges may be eligible to transfer some credits toward our diploma/certificate programs. Our Colleges accept transfer credits from colleges and universities in B.C., Canada and elsewhere. In general, transfer credit is permitted for courses completed with a minimum C- grade (or equivalent in the institute’s grading system) to a maximum of 50% of the credits toward a diploma/certificate program. Transferred credits will be counted into the total credits earned at our Colleges but will not be calculated into the overall GPA on the transcripts.
Students must attempt informal resolution with the involved individual prior to proceeding with a formal appeal. If informal resolution is not successful, the student should obtain a General Appeals Form and submit it in full to the relevant College responsibility center. The procedure for a formal appeal is found in the Student Handbook.
Evaluation criteria for each course are shown on course outlines, which are distributed at the beginning of each cycle by the instructors. Evaluation criteria (e.g. participation, quiz scores, projects, presentations) have their own value or weight towards the final grade. Letter grades for each course taken are assigned based on the percentage achieved by weighing the evaluation criteria as indicated on the course outlines. Our Colleges utilize the Alpha Grading Scale. You are assigned a final letter grade when you complete a course. Each grade corresponds to a grade point value.
To request an Official Transcript or a Letter of Enrolment, please click here to submit your request. Your documents will be issued within 48 hours via email. Cost for an Official Transcript is $10.00 and for a Letter of Enrolment is $20.00
Our Colleges expect students to attend all of their classes, to be on time and ready for classes and not to leave classes before they are finished. If a student is unable to attend classes, he/she is required to inform our College in advance. In the event of an unexpected delay or absence, please notify our College immediately. If students need to leave class early, they will receive a “late” or “absent” on their attendance record. How this will be recorded will ultimately be up to the course instructor.
We understand that life can sometimes get in the way. However, excessive lates or absences will not be tolerated and will thus be reflected in the Participation portion of your grades. Students should also be aware that attendances are tracked and the records will be submitted to PTIB, student loan regulator, ESDC (Employment and Social Development Canada), and/or IRCC (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) as required. Excessive absences will cause your student loans or funding to be defaulted or your study permit to be revoked. Additionally, absences and punctuality are qualifications for co-op and practicum. In the event of a delay or absence, please notify the College immediately.
Please note that the attendance policies may differ for those students who are on academic probation. For more details, please refer to Academic Probation section in this policy booklet. Please also note that the attendance polices may differ for non-credit courses. Please follow the policies specified in the course outlines handed out by your instructor.
Students should be reminded that by simply stop attending does not constitute withdrawal. An official withdrawal is only valid and effective from the date a Course Add/Drop form is received and approved by the Registrar’s office. Students who do not meet the class attendance requirements are required to withdraw from a class and will assigned a letter grade of RW (required class withdrawal).
If a student will be absent from classes due to illness, he/she should notify our College by phone or email beforehand. A doctor’s note will be required for absenteeism over 2 days due to illness.
An “Application for Leave” form must be completed and submitted to the Student Service Officer a minimum of two weeks in advance. After receiving the completed form, the Student Service Officer will schedule a meeting with the student to discuss their academic progress and how the absence will impact their graduation date. If approved, students can take a maximum of one cycle off per calendar year. Class rescheduling fees will apply to all classes affected.
If a student takes time off without our Colleges’ permission or extends their approved time off without permission, they are still responsible for all of the tuition paid/owed for classes that they miss during that time. No refunds or tuition credits will be issued for courses missed during unexcused absences.
We appreciate students calling to inform their instructors of any unexpected lates or absences, sick days, or vocational planned absences, but this will usually not affect the above policies. These missed sessions will still count towards your overall course attendance record and might affect your grades.
All students are expected to abide by our Colleges’ Attendance Policy. Final decisions with respect to a student’s status will be at the discretion of the Director of Education.
If a student discontinues his or her program of study in any of the following cases while he or she is not yet expected to graduate, the student will be dismissed from their program of study.
In the above circumstances, the regular refund policy for students will apply. If the student wishes to apply for readmissions to the College in the future, he or she must reapply as a new student. See Fees section for more information.
Other possible grounds to dismiss a student:
In the above cases, students will be dismissed only after following procedures have been followed and the student has not shown adequate improvement.
Final decisions with respect to a student’s status at our Colleges will be at the discretion of the Registrar. Our Colleges reserve the right to expel a student without prior warning for a criminal offence or action that causes harm to our Colleges, staff or students.
1. This policy governs complaints from students respecting Vancouver Premier College of Arts and Science, Vancouver Premier College of Business and Management and Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management and any aspect of its operations.
2. A student who makes or is otherwise involved in a complaint will not be subject to any form of retaliation by the institution at any time.
3. The process by which the student complaint will be handled is as follows:
• Student complaints must be made in writing.
• If a student has a dispute regarding the instruction, training, course content, exam results, grades, practicum or co-op placement, and other related academic matters, the student should:
a) Contact and discuss the complaint with Student Services to determine whether the
student should independently proceed to discuss the situation directly with the instructor or whether Student Services should assist the student with their initial discussion with the instructor.
b) If the student does not receive an acceptable response or resolution, the student must complete the Complaints Form and submit it directly to the Faculty Coordinator (or their designate, if they are involved personally). He/She will meet with the student, request submissions from all involved parties (including witnesses), and conduct an investigation. The Faculty Coordinator or designate will then provide a written decision to all parties. All designate appointments will be independent of the dispute in question.
c) If further action is required, the student can initiate a written appeal where the Director of Education (or their designate, if they are involved personally) will determine and provide the reasons for determination and the reconsideration (if any) to the student within 30 days after the date on which the student made the complaint.
• If a student has a dispute regarding admissions, policies, tuition fees, refunds and other financial matters, or a dispute with another student, non-instructional staff member or other administrative matters, the student should:
a) Contact and discuss the complaint with Student Services to determine whether the student should independently proceed to discuss the situation directly with the staff member or whether Student Services should assist the student with their initial discussion with the staff member.
b) If the student does not receive an acceptable response or resolution, the student must complete the Complaints Form and submit it directly to the Administrator responsible (or their designate, if they are involved personally). He/She will meet with the student, request submissions from all involved parties (including witnesses), and conduct an investigation. The Administrator responsible or designate will then provide a written decision to all parties. All designate appointments will be independent of the dispute in question.
c) If further action is required, the student can initiate a written appeal where the Director of Operations (or their designate, if they are involved personally) will determine and provide the reasons for determination and the reconsideration (if any) to the student within 30 days after the date on which the student made the complaint.
• The written reasons will advise a student, that if the student is dissatisfied with the determination, and has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, the student may file a complaint with the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) (www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca). Complaints must be filed with PTIB within one year of the date a student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.
• The student making the complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.
Students must attempt informal resolution with the involved instructor prior to proceeding with a formal appeal. If informal resolution is not successful, the student should obtain a Grade Appeal Form from the front desk and complete it in full and submit it to the Registrar’s Office. The procedure for formal appeals is as follows:
Our Colleges recognize that not all learning happens in a formal classroom environment. PLA is a way to document that a student possesses the necessary knowledge, competencies, abilities and skills for academic credit for a particular course(s) in his or her program. Obtaining credit through PLA can be time-consuming and rigorous as the student will be required to provide a number of documents, as well as clearly demonstrate his or her competency with respect to the subject matter being evaluated.
To gain credit through Prior Learning Assessment, a student needs to first meet the following criteria:
Up to 50% of the credits needed to graduate from a particular program may be gained through PLA.
For more detailed information about gaining credits through PLA and related fees, please obtain a PLA Information Sheet and Application Form from the Registrar.
Vancouver Premier College of Arts and Science (VPCAS), Vancouver Premier College of Business and Management (VPCBM) and Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management (VPCHM) are committed to ensure that their learning environments promote the respectful and fair treatment of all students. The management of VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM will ensure that the learning environment at thes colleges remains conducive and helpful to promote dissemination of knowledge. For this purpose, the colleges have implemented the Respectful and Fair Treatment of Students Policy that will be applicable to all students, employees, management, alumni or any person representing the colleges. In case of an event, the colleges will take all reasonable measures to identify and eliminate the unfair treatment.
While on VPCAS, VPCBM and VPCHM premises or in the course of activities or events hosted by VPCAS, VPCBM and VPCHM the following activities and behaviours are prohibited.
Disruptive Behaviour
Generally, disruptive behaviour is any behaviour that interferes with the instructor’s ability to conduct the class, or the ability of other students to profit from the instruction. Such behaviour may take various forms. Classroom disruptions are rare. Instructors discuss classroom behaviour expectations with students in order to help students know the standard. VPC respects the right of instructors to teach and the right of students to learn.
Disruptive behaviour may be viewed on a continuum ranging from the isolated incidents of mildly annoying or irritating behaviour (which probably should be tolerated as much as possible) to more clearly disruptive, dangerous, and/or violent behaviour that should not be tolerated.
Examples of disruptive behaviour may include the following:
– Persistent speaking without permission
– Inappropriate use of electronic devices or cell phones
– Threats of any kind and/or harassment
– Poor personal hygiene
– Sleeping in class
– Entering class late or leaving early (without permission)
– Eating/drinking in class without permission
– Failing to bring necessary equipment or materials to class (pen, notebook, textbook, lab materials, etc.)
– Being unprepared for class
– Disputing authority and arguing with faculty and other students
– Grandstanding
– Physical disruptions
– Allowing another person to impersonate you and/or impersonating others
Dangerous Behaviour
This is behaviour that endangers the health or safety of students or VPC employees. This includes any conduct that could lead to the physical and/or emotional injury, or the threat of physical and/or emotional well-being of all persons at VPC.
Misuse of School Property
Damaging, removing or making unauthorized use of College property or the personal property of faculty, staff, students or others at VPC. “Property” includes, but is not limited to information, equipment, and resources.
Use or Possession of Illicit Substances or Goods
Students in possession or using illicit substances or goods will be immediately suspended or expelled from VPC, depending on the severity of the situation. VPC may also contact the local authorities.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty includes, among other things, plagiarism and cheating, and is defined by VPC policy.
Plagiarism and Cheating
Cheating, which includes plagiarism, occurs when a student uses or tries to use materials, methods or assistance, which is not approved by an instructor (i.e. copying off someone else’s tests, “cheat sheets”, etc.). Cheating is a serious educational offence. Plagiarism occurs when a student submits or presents the work of another person as his/her own, either by copying text word for word, or using someone else’s work. It is not considered plagiarism when excerpts are used in paragraphs or essays, and the author is acknowledged through footnotes or other accepted practices.
Bullying is a form of harassment that includes intentional intimidation from a person to another in order to force compliance or assert dominance and intentional harm to the other. As a result, the victim will be distressed, less powerful or helpless resulting in a risk to the wellbeing of the victim. Bullying can be physical, verbal, or cyber harassment. Examples include: unfair and excessive criticism; unreasonable ignoring a student’s point of view; constantly changing or setting unrealistic targets for a student; undervaluing the efforts of a student; taking advantage of any power etc.
Personal or Sexual Harassment
Harassment is a form of discrimination that consists of unwelcomed words or conduct. In order to be guilty of harassment, the person engaging in this behaviour must know or ought reasonably to know that the behaviour is unwelcomed. Harassment may be accompanied by expressed or implied threats or promises of rewards.
Unwelcomed comments or actions are considered harassment which may concern a person’s race, colour, ancestry, place of origin, political beliefs, religion, marital status, family status, gender, physical or mental disability, age or sexual orientation.
Sexual harassment is behaviour or comment of a sexual nature, which is known or ought reasonably to be known to be unwelcomed. Both males and females can be victims of sexual harassment by either gender. A consensual relationship, a gesture of affection between friends, or a guided classroom discussion dealing with sex or sexuality does not constitute sexual harassment. Sexual harassment may include, but is not limited to:
– patting, touching or other physical contact
– leering, staring or making sexual gestures
– demands for sexual favors
– unwanted sexual invitations
– unwanted questions or comments of a sexual nature
– display or distribution of sexual or offensive pictures or materials.
An act is considered discrimination when a student is denied a benefit, service, accommodation, facility, or treated less or more favourably than another student on the grounds of a personal characteristic or attribute, age, race, gender, religion, political belief, physical or mental disability, colour, ancestry, place of origin, marital status, family status, sexual orientation. Discrimination includes decisions/actions based on factors irrelevant to the matter at hand. Discrimination may include but is not limited to:
– words, gestures, actions or practical jokes, with the result of humiliating, alarming or abusing another person, distribution or display of offensive pictures or materials etc.
Reporting and Remedy
VPC will ensure that any of these activities must not occur at the College; but under any circumstances, if a prohibited activity occurs, the following outlines the process for addressing the activity or behaviour:
If someone is subjected to bullying, harassment or discrimination, he/she must bring the matter to the attention of the Registrar or campus manager of the College who will take immediate action to prevent further developments in the problems. The Registrar or campus manager will take all or any appropriate actions as a remedy and take mitigating measures to minimize the possibility of such events in future.
The College will ensure that the complaint or grievance process has been adopted to deal with in a professional and sensitive manner and will adhere to the principles of privacy and confidentiality. Details of the event will be recorded in writing and placed in the relevant file.
If the student is dissatisfied with the internal process, he/she may explore other legal avenues available in the BC/Canadian legal framework.
Good Neighbour Policy
Students are expected to conduct themselves as mature and responsible members of the campus, local, and any community in which the student resides while a student at Vancouver Premier College. As such, students are responsible for upholding all federal, provincial and municipal laws and ordinances, including those related to noise, traffic, parking, smoking and consumption of drugs/ alcohol. In addition, as responsible members of society, students are expected to foster an atmosphere that nurtures positive educational pursuits, the development of understanding and tolerance of those with different cultural and political points of view and an environment that encourages responsible behaviour in the community.
Smoke-Free Environment Policy
VPC is committed to create a working and learning environment that promotes the health and wellness of our school and community. This smoke-free environment applies to all staff, students, faculty and visitors to the school. No smoking areas include the patio, common areas, elevators, stairwells, parking facility, and within 30 feet of building lobby exteriors. Prohibited products include cigarettes, vaping (e-cigarettes), marijuana or the use of other similar exhaling devices. Any violations will result in suspension and a fine of $500 from the building owner and/or enforcement officers from the Vancouver Coastal Health Authority.
Students are expected to observe all city ordinances and exercise courtesy and common sense. Students should not obstruct the street, private driveways or private/reserved parking spots. For students’ own safety, as well as the safety of the community they live and study in, students must abide by all traffic laws and drive responsibly.
Sexual Misconduct Policy
Vancouver Premier College of Arts and Science (VPCAS), Vancouver Premier College of Business and Management (VPCBM) and Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management (VPCHM) are committed to creating and maintaining a learning and working environment that is characterized by respect, safety, civility and free inquiry. VPCAS, VPCBM and VPCHM do not tolerate or condone behaviour which contributes to a hostile, inequitable or an unsafe learning or working environment.
This policy applies to all members of the VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM communities. VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM believes that all members of its community have the right to work, teach and study in an environment that is free from all forms of sexual violence and misconduct. Safety and security are both institutional values and priorities and as such no sexual violence or misconduct will be tolerated. VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM expects all of its members to abide by all laws and VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM policies. Members of the VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM community who come forward with information about having experienced sexual violence and misconduct will be treated with compassion, dignity and respect, and, will be fully informed of their options for proceeding and the services and resources that are available to them both on and off campus.
Policy Statement
VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM are committed to treating survivors with compassion and recognizing them as the decision‐maker regarding their interests, regardless of whether they choose to disclose or report. VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM will work with all of its members and stakeholders to create a campus atmosphere in which sexual violence and misconduct are not tolerated, and, will provide accessible, timely and confidential assistance and support to survivors, regardless of where the incident of sexual violence and misconduct occurred, by providing detailed information which may include referral to community‐based anti‐violence organizations, counselling and/or medical care, forensic medical exams, information about reporting and recourse options, and, as may be appropriate, academic, work and other accommodations.
Responding to Reports
Student Services is responsible for responding to reports where the respondent is either a VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM student while Human Resources is responsible for responding to reports where the respondent is any other VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM member. External investigators may be appointed as necessary. Investigations and decision‐making are guided by the principles of natural justice. Evidence will be weighed based on reliability, probative value and relevance to the issues at hand. Investigations will lead to a decision and consequences will follow in those instances where sexual violence and misconduct is found to have occurred on the balance of probabilities.
Interim Sanctions
VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM reserves the right to impose interim (temporary) sanctions on a respondent on the basis of a report, prior to the determination of responsibility, where the reported sexual violence and misconduct significantly disrupts the learning/working environment. Interim sanctions must be reasonably required to protect the survivor, the public, maintain order, ensure safety of persons and/or property and generally prevent harm. Interim sanctions include temporary removal from a program, class and/or role, temporary access restriction, administrative hold and/or any other sanction, or combination of sanctions, that are appropriate in the circumstances.
Confidentiality and Privacy
• Confidentiality is an important principle in creating an environment where survivors feel safe to disclose, report and seek support. The information and records created and received to administer this Policy are subject to the access to information and protection of privacy provisions of the BC Personal Information Protection Act (“PiPA”).
• Accordingly, members of the VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM communities must take care in keeping information confidential unless advised otherwise by a designated legal authority or agency. The President should be consulted in all of these circumstances and will provide guidance with respect to confidential related decisions and next steps as may be required.
VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM will not tolerate any retaliation, directly or indirectly, or threats of retaliation against anyone who discloses or reports or who participates in a process that responds to a report. Members of the VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM communities who are found to have engaged in such conduct will be subject to sanctions and/or discipline, up to and including student expulsion from VPCAS, VPCBM, and VPCHM or termination of employment.
Vancouver Premier College of Arts and Science, Vancouver Premier College of Business and Management, and Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management are certified with the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the British Columbia Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. Before you enrol at a certified private training institution, you should be aware of your rights and responsibilities.
You have the right to be treated fairly and respectfully by the institution.
You have the right to a student enrolment contract that includes the following information:
▪ amount of tuition and any additional fee for your program
▪ refund policy
▪ if your program includes a work experience, the requirements to participate in the work experience and the geographic area where it will be provided
▪ whether the program was approved by PTIB or does not require approval.
Make sure you read the contract before signing. The institution must provide you with a signed copy.
You have the right to access the institution’s dispute resolution process and to be protected against retaliation for making a complaint.
You have the right to make a claim to PTIRU for a tuition refund if:
▪ your institution ceased to hold a certificate before you completed an approved program
▪ you were misled about a significant aspect of your approved program.
You must file the claim within one year of completing, being dismissed or withdrawing from your program. For more information about PTIRU and how to be an informed student, go to: http://www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca/students/be-an-informed-student.
Ceasing to attend classes or the College does not constitute withdrawal from the class or the College. Students who wish to withdraw must notify the College in writing by completing required paper work.
Students who wish to withdraw from any program must fill out a Program Withdrawal form and submit it to the front desk. Please refer to the Refund Policy regarding withdrawals. We request the student also meets with the Director of Education for an exit interview.
Students who wish to withdraw from a hospitality management course must fill out a Course Add/Drop form and submit it to the front desk. If the form is submitted after the first class of the scheduled course cycle, the grade of the withdrawn course “W” will appear on the transcript. Withdrawal from a course after the 10th class is not permitted. Please refer to the Refund Policy regarding withdrawals.
• Hospitality Management with Co-op: 1000 hours
• Hospitality Operations with Co-op: 600 hours
• Advanced Diploma in International Hospitality Business with Co-op: 600 hours
• Post Graduate Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co-op: 600 hours
The work experience is a required part of the Co-op programs in which the student obtains practical skills relevant to the learning objectives of the program.
Students must attend a co-op orientation session organized by the College. After that they would need to schedule an individual meeting with the Co-op Coordinator to review the course requirements and expectations of the work experience. The meeting must be done before the end of the current semester.
To be eligible for a Co-op, a student must satisfy the Co-op Coordinator with the following:
• Have attended a Co-op orientation session.
• Attendance: Students must have a minimum 75% attendance record for all courses in their academic semester(s).
• Academic standing: Students must have completed course requirements for the program and achieved a minimum 2.33 GPA from to-date.
• Have met individually with the Co-op Coordinator
• Other work experience including soft skills, attitude and interest in the industry.
• Students must also have legal working status in Canada before they may start their Co-op work. International students who are accepted to take a Co-op must then apply for a Co-op work permit & social insurance number.
The College will utilize a third-party job placement agency to offer work experience placements to co-op students. The VPC Co-op coordinator will liaise between the student and the agency.
If the student decides to withdraw or the College withdraws the student from a Co-op, the College’s refund policy will apply. See refund policy for details.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The VPC Co-op coordinator will monitor the student’s performance through regular communication with the student’s supervisor on a monthly basis. Communication will include a visit to the workplace, email, telephone, or video such as Zoom. At the end of the co-op, the student’s supervisor will complete a final evaluation of the student’s performance and submit it to the VPC Co-op coordinator.
A student may be required to withdraw from the Co-op if he/she does not meet the course requirements such as attendance and GPA or performs poorly at the employer’s work site and does not demonstrate an interest or willingness to improve. In the case of dismissal, the student is required to meet with the Co-op Coordinator to discuss the reasons for dismissal. VPC is not prepared to continue the placement process and/or place the student for a second co-op position if it is deemed that the dismissal is the fault of the student. If VPC decides to allow the student a second co-op placement, there may be conditions set before the student can apply for jobs again. Also, the student will be charged another placement fee for the second placement. If a student is dismissed from a Co-op job placement, VPC reserves the right to deny the work experience towards a student’s work experience requirement.
• Hospitality Management with Practicum: 200 hours
The work experience is a required part of the Hospitality Management Diploma with Practicum in which the student obtains practical skills relevant to the learning objectives of the program.
Students must attend a practicum orientation session organized by the College. After that they would need to schedule an individual meeting with the Practicum Coordinator to review the course requirements and expectations of the work experience. The meeting must be done before the end of the current semester.
To be eligible for a practicum, a student must satisfy the Practicum Coordinator with the following:
• Have attended a Practicum orientation session.
• Attendance: Students must have a minimum 75% attendance record for all courses in their academic semester(s).
• Academic standing: Students must have completed course requirements for the program and achieved a minimum 2.33 GPA from to-date.
• Have met individually with the Practicum Coordinator
• Other work experience including soft skills, attitude and interest in the industry.
• Students must also have legal working status in Canada before they may start their practicum work. International students who are accepted to take a practicum must then apply for an intern work permit & social insurance number.
If the student decides to withdraw or the College withdraws the student from a practicum, the College’s refund policy will apply. See refund policy for details.
Monitoring & Evaluation
The VPC Practicum coordinator will monitor the student’s performance through regular communication with the student’s supervisor on a monthly basis. Communication will include a visit to the workplace, email, telephone, or video such as Zoom. At the end of the practicum, the student’s supervisor will complete a final evaluation of the student’s performance and submit it to the VPC Practicum coordinator.
A student may be required to withdraw from the Practicum if he/she does not meet the course requirements such as attendance and GPA or performs poorly at the employer’s work site and does not demonstrate an interest or willingness to improve. In the case of dismissal, the student is required to meet with the Practicum Coordinator to discuss the reasons for dismissal. VPC is not prepared to continue the placement process and/or place the student for a second practicum position if it is deemed that the dismissal is the fault of the student. If VPC decides to allow the student a second practicum placement, there may be conditions set before the student can apply for jobs again. Also, the student will be charged another placement fee for the second placement. If a student is dismissed from a Practicum job placement, VPC reserves the right to deny the work experience towards a student’s work experience requirement.
If you have lost an item then please go to Front Desk to report it. We will do our best to report any found items.
Applicable to the Richmond campus only. Students will be issued access cards for entry to the main campus and student lounge area, from the upper mall of Lansdowne.
The T2202 tax certificate is issued to students registered in eligible courses and programs used for filing income taxes. The certificate contains the amount of eligible tuition and/or fees paid for the tax year and the number of months a student was registered (full-time or part-time).
Please update your SIN number under “Profile” via student information system (AmpEducator) Before February 1. If you do not provide your SIN, you may be subject to a penalty from CRA pursuant to the Income Tax Regulations.
Important Dates:
– Submit your SIN number before February 1
– You can download your T2202 Form on February 28 from your student information system
– Students who studied in VPC after 2018 can download from your student information system.
– Students who studied in VPC between 2015- 2018, can send an email to accassistant@vpcollege.com to request his T2202 form with personal information.
– Students who studied in VPC before 2015 will not get T2202 form as CRA regulation.
Social Insurance Number – Overview
The Social Insurance Number (SIN) is a 9 digit number that you need to work in Canada or to have access to government programs and benefits. There is no fee to apply for a SIN.
A SIN is issued to one person only and it cannot legally be used by anyone else. You are responsible for protecting your SIN. Store any document containing your SIN and personal information in a safe place—do not keep your SIN with you.
SINs that begin with a “9” are issued to temporary workers who are neither Canadian citizens nor permanent residents. The use of these SINs is temporary and are valid only until the expiry date indicated on the immigration document authorizing them to work in Canada.
If your SIN begins with a “9”, you must update your SIN record to ensure that the expiry date always corresponds with the expiry date on your document from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada authorizing you to work in Canada. Once your SIN record has been updated, you will receive a SIN with the new expiry date. Your previous SIN (whether it is a paper format or plastic card) is no longer valid and should be destroyed in a secure manner.
How to apply
Apply Online: https://sin-nas.canada.ca/en/Sin/
If you are applying online, you must provide the following documents:
Note: If you do not meet either of these requirements, contact IRCC to verify if you are eligible to apply for an amended study permit
The secondary document must be valid. It must be a document issued by a Canadian government (federal, provincial or territorial) or be a foreign passport. The following information must appear on the document:
· legal name (surname and given name), and
· date of birth
Examples of acceptable secondary documents:
· a passport (Canadian or foreign)
· a provincial or territorial ID card or driver’s license
· any other government-issued ID
– it must be issued by one of the following: a government, a company, an institution, an organisation, a landlord or an employer and be:
· a document, or
· an attestation letter signed by the issuer
– it must contain the name (family name and given name) that appears on the applicant’s primary, secondary or supporting document.
· if applying on behalf of someone else, it must contain the parent, legal guardian or legal representative’s name (family name and given name) as it appears on the their primary, secondary or supporting document
– it must clearly show the applicant’s address and match the one on the online SIN application
· if applying on behalf of someone else it must clearly show, the parent, legal guardian or legal representative’s address and match the one on the online SIN application
· an envelope is not acceptable as a proof of address
· correspondence from the SIN Program, such as a previous Confirmation of SIN letter or a rejection letter, is not acceptable as a proof of address
· no SIN confirmation will be sent to an employer’s address, unless the client resides on the employer’s premises. In such cases, the document or attestation letter from the employer must clearly state that the employee resides at that address.
Frequently Asked Question
Q: In September 2020 I paid tuition for the Fall 2020 semester and Winter 2021 semester, how come it is only showing for the amount for September 2020 on the T2202?
A: The official tax receipt or form you received from your educational institution will indicate the amount of eligible tuition fees that you paid for that calendar year (ie 2020).
To qualify, the fees you paid to attend each educational institution must be more than $100. For example, if you attended two educational institutions in the year, the amount on each of your tax certificates must be more than $100.
More information here: CRA