Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management

Post Diploma in Hospitality Management

Vancouver Premier College > Hotel Management > Post Diploma in Hospitality Management

Post Diploma in Hospitality Management

30 Credits, 30 weeks

Post Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co-op

45 Credits, 60 weeks

The Post Diploma in Hospitality Management and Post Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co-op have been designed to provide students with advanced knowledge of hospitality management principles and practices that will enable them to seek above entry level  supervisory and managerial positions in the hospitality industry while acquiring the requisite knowledge needed to pursue advanced studies. The Post Diploma integrates theoretical and pragmatic knowledge through both theory and expert in-class and/or online instruction and was designed for students who have successfully completed a related academic credential (i.e. diploma and/or degree) but require updating of their skill sets or new skills as well as a more recent and/or a more competitive GPA to actively pursue a higher level job opportunity or advanced study programs at one of BC’s postsecondary education institutions.

The Post Diploma in Hospitality Management and Post Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co-op will provide students with access to advanced education programming for students from local and global destinations and will enable students to study in VPCHM’s supportive multi-cultural learning environment. This program facilitates the development of new/emerging skills necessary to succeed in the current and future workforce, including an opportunity to learn valuable technology related skills while also addressing the projected skill shortages for the hospitality industry and other small and medium-sized businesses in the BC economy over the next decade. 

Admissions Requirement

1. Recognized diploma or degree in a relevant career area, or, completion of 90 credits in a relevant career area from a recognized post-secondary institution.
2. Be at least 19 years of age
3. Provide proof of English proficiency by submitting one of the following
> Grade 12 or higher level English course.
> High School English 12: C (or equivalent) from an English speaking country. University or College level English course (non‐ESL): C from an institution where English is the language of instruction.
English Language Test (only valid for 2 years):
> TOEFL: 68 iBT, 190 CBT, or 520 PBT
> IELTS (Academic): 6.0
> Cambridge International Exam: GCE O level C
> Canadian Language Benchmark: CLB7
> Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General: 7.0
> Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) Test: 50
> Pearson Test of English (PTE) Academic: 46
> Duolingo: 105
> TOEIC: 700
> LPI: 4
> Completion of VPC ENGL 099
> Completion of AEL/ESL to an equivalent level
> Completion of at least 12 credits from a post secondary institution in Canada or where English is the principal language of the country and the language of instruction.

Required Curriculum

The Post Diploma in Hospitality Management is a 600 hour, 30 credit program that can be efficiently completed in 30 weeks through both in-class and online instruction. The program is comprised of 10 courses which enable students to acquire the needed industry skills while also gaining insight into their chosen career or field of employment.


The Post Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co-op is a 1,200 hour, 45 credit program that can be completed in 60 weeks through 30 weeks of in-class and/or online instruction and 30 weeks of co-op participation at a hotel or related business. This pragmatic approach enables students to acquire needed industry skills while also gaining experience in their chosen career or field of employment. The Post Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co-op is comprised of 45 credits, 30 credits of which can be earned through the completion of 10 courses while another 15 credits can be earned via completion of a 30 week VPC-supervised co-op placement.

Certification Upon Completion

  • Post Diploma in Hospitality Management from Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management

  • or

  • Post Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co-op from Vancouver Premier College of Hotel Management


PGHM 502Advanced Writing and Research I
PGHM 520
PGHM 510
Managing Front Office Operations
Hospitality Strategic Management
PGHM 525Facilities Management and Design
PGHM 522Digital Marketing
PGHM 507International Tourism & Hospitality
PGHM 509Planning & Control for F&B Operations
PGHM 523Human Resource Management in the Hospitality Industry
PGHM 535Intercultural Communication and Leadership
PGHM 526
PGHM 530
Project Management
Business Research Methods
PGHM 540Hospitality Management Capstone
PGHM 550Co-op Placement (if enrolled in the Co-op program)

Each of above courses consist of:

3 credits per course, except for the Co-op Placement (15 credits)
60 hours per course, except for  the Co-op Placement (600 hours)


Post Diploma in Hospitality Management was reviewed and approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

Post Diploma in Hospitality Management with Co‐op was reviewed and approved by the Registrar of the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills.

Vancouver Premier College
of Hotel Management

103-5300 No. 3 Road,
Richmond, BC, Canada V6X 2X9


Monday – Friday 9:00A.M. – 5:30P.M.

Social Info

How to Apply

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Contact us for any questions about our academic programs and/or admission requirements.