Course Selection

Vancouver Premier College > Course Selection

Course Selection

Our separately established Colleges deliver their programs through a pre-determined delivery schedule that is designed to ensure student success while also enabling the student to progress through the selected program courses in the shortest possible time. Course selection, which is completed online through the Student Information System (AmpEducator), enables students to select the time, location and instructor for each of their courses.

Tuition, Fee Payments & Deadlines

When you register for your courses, you will also need to submit your payment. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Tuition and Fees required for your program as well as the Methods of Payment, and, Payment Deadline dates.

Tuition, Fee Payments & Deadlines

When you register for your courses, you will also need to submit your payment. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Tuition and Fees required for your program as well as the Methods of Payment, and, Payment Deadline dates.

Financial Awards and Scholarships

Your education is an investment in your potential to achieve your education and career goals so make the financing of your education that leads to a future career a top priority. Whether you are from Vancouver, from other Canadian jurisdiction or an International student, be sure to check out and, when applicable, apply for the financial awards that are available to assist you.

Start your journey today!
Contact us for any questions about our academic programs and/or admission requirements.