Planning and Policy

Vancouver Premier College > Planning and Policy

Planning Initiatives

Notwithstanding the disruption in planning caused by the arrival of the  COVID-19 pandemic, growth and expansion of our institutional presence and programming remain high priority objectives in our 5-Year Academic and Strategic plans. Accordingly, our leadership teams have taken up the challenge of envisioning the next 5-years through the development of five strategic directions that position our independently established colleges to flourish in the post-pandemic environment. These strategic directions create an opportunity for VPC to establish a unique academic program niche, reputation and identity and to ensure a sustainable future amid numerous challenges in the post-secondary education sector.

Organizational Policies

During the 2019–20 academic year, leadership invited our campus community to share their vision and to participate in the development of governance, academic and operational policies which included setting a new strategic direction and re-positioning of our independent colleges given their expansion and new academic programs. Participants included Registrar, operations, admissions, marketing, instructors and student services, budgeting and finance. The policies were developed during the 2019–20 academic year in consideration of our new direction and with extensive input from administrators, instructors, staff and students through a number of self-study workshops, small-group and one-on-one policy and planning meetings. After incorporating the input received through the various development processes, VPC’s policies were approved by the Board of Governors and Board of Directors in May and June 2022 respectively.

Academic Plan

VPC’s 5-Year Academic Plan was approved by the Board of Governors in May 2022 and by the Board of Directors in June 2022. The plan sets out 5 strategic directions that will enable VPC to position itself for  growth in the post-pandemic environment. The five strategic directions are:

1. Continue to recruit academic leadership and doctoral qualified faculty. 
2. Develop degree and other programs aligning with industry certifications.
3. Enhance the number and quality of learning pathways for VPC graduates.
4. Implement student-centered learning principles in all new programs.
5. Facilitate student success plans, advising and career workshops.
Achievement of these strategic directions will enable VPC to enhance the quality and breadth of its academic program offering, the engagement of its students through the introduction of the principles of student centered learning and VPC’s capacity for training and professional development. 

Strategic Plan

VPC’s 5-Year strategic plan was approved by the Board of Governors in May 2022 and by the Board of Directors in June 2022. The plan sets out 5 strategic directions that will enable VPC to position itself for growth in the post-pandemic environment. The five strategic directions are:

1. Continue to build organizational capacity.
2. Develop quality academic programs.
3. Expand market research through social networks and partnerships.
4. Provide an equitable learning environment.
5. Enable a transformational student experience.
Achievement of these strategic directions will enable VPC to continue to enhance its capacity to develop and deliver quality post-secondary education programs while also facilitating improved operational efficiency and effectiveness, student satisfaction and learning outcomes.