Education Council (EDC) was created to enhance VPC’s academic and education capacity and to facilitate the efficient and effective administration of its academic, education and training programs and policies. Education Council is responsible for providing oversight and advice to the Board of Governors on all academic and educational related matters.
Education Council is an advisory body to the Board of Governors which oversees the development, review and implementation of quality academic programs and policies. The Education Council is not empowered to independently issue directives but rather fulfills a vitally important academic quality assurance, policy and administrative oversight and capacity enhancement role in its various academic and education areas of advisory responsibility.
The Education Council is comprised of members from within and external to VPC. The VP Academic (or designate) is appointed as the Chair with the AVP Academic (or Director of Academic Planning) appointed as the Vice Chair of Education Council. A minimum of three instructors; two department representatives; two current students; and, one external member will also be appointed to Education Council. The President and Chief Executive Officer are ex officio (non-voting) members. Education Council conducts its business affairs and discharges its responsibilities through six Standing Committees: Education Policy and Planning Committee; Curriculum Development Committee; Student and Faculty Appeals Committee; Scholarship and Financial Awards Committee; Health Safety and Wellness Committee; and, the Nominating Committee.
June 21, 2024 – Documents for review (only viewable by members by contacting the Registrar)
Degree Program Review Criteria and Guidelines (DQAB)
Organizational Review and Self-Study Criteria
EDC Meeting Package (June 21, 2024)
EDC Meeting Minutes (June 21, 2024)
EDC Meeting Minutes (September 22, 2023)
VPCAS Organizational Review Self-Study Report
VPCAS Associate of Science Degree Proposal
VPCAS BOG Outcomes Report
Education Cooperation Agreement
VPCAS Strategic Plan
VPCAS Academic Plan
VPCAS Business Plan
VPCAS Corporate Policy
Advanced Diploma in General Studies Proposal
March 24, 2023 – Documents for review (only viewable by members by contacting the Registrar)
September 22, 2023 – Documents for review (only viewable by members by contacting the Registrar)
September 23, 2022 – Documents for review (only viewable by members)
September 30, 2022 – Documents for review (only viewable by members)
October 14, 2022 – Documents for review (only viewable by members)
October 21, 2022 – Documents for review (only viewable by members)
Education Council may establish both Standing Committees and Ad Hoc Committees as it may deem necessary to discharge its responsibilities. In this regard, Education Council has established six Standing Committees as briefly described below.
Education Policy and Planning Committee
The Education Policy and Planning Committee will participate in organization self-study reviews, develop and review academic policies as well as proposals for new academic programs, and, will monitor the progress being made with respect to the achievement of academic objectives outlined in the 5-Year Academic Plan.
Curriculum Development Committee
The Curriculum Development Committee will ensure that quality is incorporated into the design of all new academic programs and major revisions to existing programs.
Student and Faculty Appeals Committee
The Student and Faculty Appeals Committee will ensure that all student and faculty appeals are heard in a timely manner and appropriately adjudicated.
Scholarship and Financial Awards Committee
The Scholarship and Awards Committee ensures that financial awards are based on the objective evaluation of the specified award criteria for all scholarship and financial awards that are provide by VPC and its various donors or sponsors.
Health, Safety and Wellness Committee
The Health, Safety and Wellness Committee is responsible for ensuring all health, safety and wellness plans are developed in accordance with Provincial Health Officer, Ministry of Advanced Education and Skill Training and/or other government requirements.
Nominating Committee
The Nominating Committee ensures that all committees are appropriately staffed with internal and external members as may be required, and, that the various Education Council Committees have access to the resources they require to discharge their duties.